What is a boudoir session?

A boudoir session is a photo-shoot, in which you wear "sexy" clothing. Sexy can be different for each client. Some chose to go the more risque route with their favorite bra and panties, while others have gone a more conservative route with a sweater. Privacy is a priority during these sessions and every necessary step will be taken to make sure the client feels comfortable.

Why Book a PHOTO-SHOOT in my underwear?

A lot of women find these sessions to be liberating, but most rediscover what they love about themselves. Boudoir isn't about the lingerie, it isn't about the makeup and hair, its about how beautiful my client feels in her own skin. These sessions often start as a gift to their partner, and turn into so much more, a new level of confidence and self esteem.

I booked my session now what?

Your session will be at a luxury hotel or a venue of your choice(within reason).On the date of your session please arrive well rested with a clean face, clean, dry hair, and the clothing of your choice. Hair and make up will pamper you and have you feeling your best.

Bridal Boudoir

Engaged? A bridal boudoir session makes an amazing grooms gift. We provide a stunning mini album you can gift on your wedding day and really make him blush.

Discounted session with wedding packages.

How much is this going to cost me?

Pricing starts at


20 page "little black book"

Password Protected online gallery or in person Proofing session